Journal Articles and Book Chapters
2024. Daniel Jaffee. "Unequal Trust: Bottled Water Consumption, Distrust in Tap Water, and Economic and Racial Inequality in the United States.” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Water 11(2). Doi: 10.1002/wat2.1700.
2022. Carol Hernández, Hugo Perales, and Daniel Jaffee. “‘Without Food there is No Resistance’: The Impact of the Zapatista Conflict on Food and Seed Sovereignty and Agrobiodiversity Conservation in Chiapas, Mexico.” Geoforum 128: 236-250.
2020. Carol Hernández Rodríguez, Hugo Perales, and Daniel Jaffee. “Emociones, Semillas Nativas y Cambio Climatico: El Movimiento de Soberanía de Semillas en Chiapas, México.” Estudios de Cultura Maya 56: 227-259.
2020. Daniel Jaffee. “Enclosing Water: Privatization, Commodification, and Access.” 303-323 in Katharine Legun, Julie Keller, Michael Bell, and Michael Carolan (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2018. Daniel Jaffee. “Fair Trade.” 276-293 in Jason Konefal and Maki Hatanaka (eds.), Twenty Lessons in the Sociology of Food and Agriculture. New York: Oxford University Press.
2018. Daniel Jaffee and Robert A. Case. “Draining Us Dry: Scarcity Discourses in Contention over Bottled Water Extraction.” Local Environment 23(4): 485-501.
2016. Daniel Jaffee and Philip H. Howard. “Who’s the Fairest of them All? The Fractured Landscape of U.S. Fair Trade Certification.” Agriculture and Human Values 33: 813-826.
2013. Daniel Jaffee and Soren Newman. “A More Perfect Commodity: Bottled Water, Global Accumulation, and Local Contestation.” Rural Sociology 78(1): 1-28. (Recipient of 2015 Fred Buttel Outstanding Scholarly Achievement Award)
2013. Daniel Jaffee and Soren Newman. “A Bottle Half Empty: Bottled Water, Commodification, and Contestation.” Organization and Environment 26(3): 318-335.
2013. Philip H. Howard and Daniel Jaffee. “Tensions Between Firm Size and Sustainability Goals: Fair Trade Coffee in the United States.” Sustainability 5: 72-89.
2013. M. Jahi Chappell, Hannah Wittman, Christopher M. Bacon, Bruce G. Ferguson, Luis García Barrios, Raúl García Barrios, Daniel Jaffee, Jefferson Lima, V. Ernesto Méndez, Helda Morales, Lorena Soto-Pinto, John Vandermeer, and Ivette Perfecto. “Food Sovereignty: An Alternative Paradigm for Poverty Reduction and Biodiversity Conservation in Latin America.” F1000Research 2:235.
2012. Daniel Jaffee. “Weak Coffee: Certification and Co-optation in the Fair Trade Movement.” Social Problems 59(1): 94-116.
2011. Daniel Jaffee. “Fair Trade and Development: A Changing Paradigm.” 87-104 in Meera Warrier (ed.), The Politics of Fair Trade. London: Routledge.
2010. Daniel Jaffee and Philip H. Howard. “Corporate Cooptation of Organic and Fair Trade Standards.” Agriculture and Human Values 27(4): 387-399.
2010. Daniel Jaffee. “Fair Trade Standards, Corporate Participation, and Social Movement Responses in the United States.” Journal of Business Ethics 92: 267-285.
2008. Daniel Jaffee. “‘Better, But Not Great’: The Social and Environmental Benefits and Limitations of Fair Trade for Indigenous Coffee Producers in Oaxaca, Mexico.” 195-222 in Ruerd Ruben (ed.), The Impact of Fair Trade. Wageningen, Netherlands: Wagenigen Academic Publishers.
2004. Daniel Jaffee, Jack R. Kloppenburg, and Mario B. Monroy. “Bringing the ‘Moral Charge’ Home: Fair Trade Within the North and Within the South.” Rural Sociology 69(2): 169-196.
1997. Daniel Jaffee. “Restoration Where People Matter: Reversing Forest Degradation in Michoacán, Mexico.” Ecological Restoration (formerly Restoration & Management Notes) 15(2): 147-155.
2023. Daniel Jaffee. Unbottled: The Fight Against Plastic Water and for Water Justice. Oakland: University of California Press.
2014. Daniel Jaffee. Brewing Justice: Fair Trade Coffee, Sustainability, and Survival (Updated Edition). Oakland: University of California Press.
2019. Cosechando Justicia: Café de Comercio Justo, Sustentabilidad y Sobrevivencia. (Spanish-language edition of Brewing Justice.) Doi: 10.15760/soc-01.
2010. Korean-language edition of Brewing Justice. Seoul: Sungkyunkwan University Press.
2007. Brewing Justice: Fair Trade Coffee, Sustainability, and Survival (Original Edition). Oakland: University of California Press. (Recipient of C. Wright Mills Book Award)
Other Publications
2024. Daniel Jaffee. "BlueTriton's Exit from Ontario Shows the Effectiveness of Bottled Water Opposition Movements." The Conversation, December 10.
2023. Daniel Jaffee. "When Communities Face Drinking-Water Crises, Bottled Water is a ‘Temporary’ Solution That Often Lasts Years − and Worsens Inequality." The Conversation, October 25. (Reprinted in numerous publications.)
2025. (Forthcoming) Daniel Jaffee. “Bottled Water.” In George Ritzer (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of
Sociology (2nd edition).
2017. Erin Upton and Daniel Jaffee. Review of Science and Sensibility: Negotiating an Ecology of Place, by Michael V. McGinnis. Society and Natural Resources 30(11): 1421-1422.
2015. Daniel Jaffee. Review of Contested Water: The Struggle Against Water Privatization in the United States and Canada, by Joanna Robinson. International Journal of Comparative Sociology 56(6): 486-8.
2015. Daniel Jaffee. Review of The Fair Trade Scandal: Marketing Poverty to Benefit the Rich, by Ndongo S. Sylla. Journal of Peasant Studies 42(5): 1052-1056.
2014. Daniel Jaffee. Review of Buying Into Fair Trade: Culture, Morality, and Consumption. By Keith R. Brown. American Journal of Sociology 119(5): 1493-1495.
2014. Daniel Jaffee. “Is There Room for Plantations in Fair Trade?” For a Better World (9):13-14.
2012. Daniel Jaffee and Phil Howard. “Visualizing Fair Trade Coffee.” For a Better World (4): 8-9.
2010. Daniel Jaffee. Review of Confronting the Coffee Crisis: Fair Trade, Sustainable Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Mexico and Central America. By Christopher M. Bacon, V. Ernesto Méndez, Stephen R. Gliessman, David Goodman, and Jonathan A. Fox (eds.). Rural Sociology 75(4): 631-635.
2008. Daniel Jaffee. Review of Fair Trade: The Challenges of Transforming Globalization. By Laura T. Raynolds, Douglas Murray, and John Wilkinson (eds.). Agriculture and Human Values 25(3): 455-456.